Dan Cullen-Shute

Madame Tussauds: Impossible

Dan Cullen-Shute
Madame Tussauds: Impossible

We worked with Madame Tussauds, the iconic London visitor attraction, to drive relevance and attract visits. 

Faced with social media providing an ever increasing access to celebrity, Madame Tussauds needed a way of cutting through. Our solution - dramatising the sheer impossibility of the connection and collections of celebrities and worlds on offer at Madame Tussauds. From an impossible music festival where the living and long dead share a stage to a line up of Queens both literal and metaphorical we took the magic of a visit to Madame Tussauds and brought it to life. 

The results - as the campaign continues to evolve we see dramatic uplifts in Intention to Visit scores (the critical metric of advertising success) and ROI.