Dan Cullen-Shute

Bubble: We’re more than how our kids see us

Dan Cullen-Shute
Bubble: We’re more than how our kids see us


London tech startup and the UK’s biggest on-demand childcare platform, Bubble, asked us to help them launch its biggest-ever marketing campaign.

Bubble’s app lets parents discover, book and pay for flexible childcare on-demand, but they wanted to reach a mainstream market and create a campaign that celebrates and brings to life the company’s mission of helping parents be all they need to be’.

In today’s post-covid world, Bubble’s mission is more relevant than ever. The mass shift to flexible working, the closure of many traditional childcare settings and the well-known troubles UK parents face accessing great childcare, has heightened the need for reliable and flexible solutions that allow them to better balance work and family life.

The out-of-home campaign, 'We’re more than how our kids see us’, playfully draws on the age-old reality for many parents: that once we become one, our other, original self can quickly become forgotten. Certainly, by our children, who struggle to comprehend that mum and dad have ambitions, passions and commitments that don’t involve them, and a life that existed long before they came along.